Our Company

CJ Farming Solutions - For Farmers By Farmers:
CJ Farming Solutions, located in Ramona CA, provides high quality, custom designed equipment for small farms at a reasonable price. All the equipment for sale has been designed, tested and used on our own farm (Three Sons Farm) for years. Over the years we've received requests to borrow or purchase our equipment, therefore we decided to manufacture, produce, and make our equipment available for purchase. The first product to come on line for purchase is the CJ Rotary Scalder, with more products coming soon.


Three Sons Farm

Our three sons (left to right) : Christopher, Michael, Nicholas

Our three sons (left to right) : Christopher, Michael, Nicholas

“Our Chickens spend their lives outside."
Three Sons Farm specializes in pasture raised poultry and pasture raised eggs. This means that our chickens spend their lives outside on pasture eating grass, seeds, and bugs. Our chickens live and thrive in this natural, healthy environment, producing the highest quality meat and eggs.

"Waste is only an unused resource."
Three Sons Farm is dedicated to using the most sustainable methods available. We believe that waste is only an unused resource. We try to use everything that our farm creates and limit the amount of waste that we create. We use regenerative agricultural techniques to enhance our soil and pasture growth, which translates into higher quality products for our customers. For example, because our chickens are on pasture their manure is absorbed into the soil serving as a natural fertilizer. This regenerative process helps build a thriving and nutrient-rich pasture ready for the next batch of chickens. Because of this natural process you’ll not find any offensive odors on our farm, but only happy and healthy chickens.